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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৭ জুলাই ২০২৪

নির্বাহী পরিচালক

জনাব উনু চিং 

নির্বাহী পরিচালক (অতিরিক্ত দায়িত্ব) 

বাংলাদেশ স্কাউটস

জাতীয় স্কাউট ভবন, ৬০ আঞ্জমান মুফিদুল ইসলাম সড়ক, কাকরাইল, ঢাকা-১০০০

Email: unueching@yahoo.com 

মোবাইলঃ 01816127540,01976127540

ফোনঃ  +৮৮-০২-২২২২০৭১৪

ফ্যাক্স: +৮৮-০২-২২২২২২২২৬



Mr. Unue Ching, LT

Executive Director (additional charge)

Bangladesh Scouts


Mr. Unue Ching was born in 1967 into a distinguished Marma noble family in the heart of Bandarban Town, the hill district headquarters of Bangladesh. His journey in scouting began while he was a student at the renowned Don Bosco High School in the district. He joined the scout group, where his dedication and commitment led him to the role of Patrol Leader after undergoing extensive progressive training. Furthermore, during his time at Bandarban Government High School, he excelled as an athlete in the district.

During his time at Bandarban Government College, he demonstrated exceptional leadership skills by being elected as the General Secretary of the college's first-ever student council. He played a pivotal role in leading the student council to success. Throughout his college life, Mr. Ching actively engaged with various social service organizations, displaying strong leadership qualities. Notably, he was the founding General Secretary of Upajatiya Nabodoy Sangoh (UNS), Bandarban Karate Association and the Bandarban Rowadah Open Scout Group respectively. He also served as a karate (Martial Arts) trainer and proved to be an exceptionally effective organizer in the Bandarban hill district.

Mr. Unue Ching is the husband of Mrs. Ching Ching Prue; she is a graduate of Chittagang University. Mr. Unue Ching is a devoted father of one son named Thein Mon U, who completed his Bachelor's degree in Fisheries at Noakhali Science & Technology University and one daughter named Mra Ching Shwe, who is studying in the Department of B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering at the renowned National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal State, India.

He completed his Bachelor's degree at Chittagong University and went on to attain a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the National University of Bangladesh. He completed the Diploma Course on English Language Proficiency and a Master of Laws (LLM) from North East University of Bangladesh (NEUB).

In his remarkable career with Bangladesh Scouts, he began as an Assistant Field Commissioner on 2nd March 1991. He steadily advanced within the Bangladesh Scouts, promoting to the post of Field Commissioner in 2004 and further ascending to the Regional Field Commissioner (the present post is Director) in 2007. Currently, he serves as the Executive Director (Additional Charge) of Bangladesh Scouts.

Throughout his tenure, Mr. Unue Ching played a crucial role in the development, expansion, and successful implementation of Regional Training Centers, outreach programs, training, organization, social development initiatives, health programs, extension scouting and the inclusion of girls in scouting etc. He has held leadership positions across various districts and regions of Bangladesh, including Jashore, Chattogram, Pabna, Rangamati, Bandarban, Cumilla, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Barishal, Rover, Sylhet, National Scout Training Centre, Mouchak, Gazipur and National Headquarters, performing his duties with unwavering dedication, sincerity and efficiency.

Mr. Unue Ching is an experienced and skilled Leader Trainer of Bangladesh Scouts, having successfully completed various remarkable training programs such as National Scout Jamboree, Camporee, Rover Moot, Disaster Management Camp, Community Development Camp (COMDECA), Asia Pacific Regional (APR) Conference, the Trainer’s Advancement Course, Life Skill Course, APR Training System Development Workshop, Events Management Course, Professional Scout Executive Basic Management Course and Computer Training Course etc. Considering his proficiency, Bangladesh Scouts entrusted him with the honorable responsibility of Leader Trainer (LT) in 2003.

Beyond his work in Bangladesh Scouts, Mr. Unue Ching has represented the organization in neighboring countries, visiting India and Bhutan as a member of the training division of Bangladesh Scouts.

In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Bangladesh Scouts has honored him with several prestigious awards, including the National Certificate in 1996, Medal of Merit in 2000, Bar to the Medal of Merit in 2005, Long Service Decoration in 2006, CNC's Award in 2008, Long Service Award in 2018 and Silver Hilsha (the 2nd Highest Award of Bangladesh Scouts) in 2019.